Jutawan Fakir
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Rumah mewah tak laku?
PERMINTAAN tinggi rumah mampu milik menyaksikan pemaju lebih berminat membinanya pada masa depan. – Gambar hiasan |
KUALA LUMPUR 28 Dis. – Pasaran hartanah kediaman diramalkan kekal menggalakkan pada tahun depan apabila rumah mampu milik dijadikan tumpuan.
Bagaimanapun, OSK Research berkata, pada masa yang sama segelintir pemaju juga lebih berhati-hati terhadap tinjauan kediaman mewah bertanah dan unit-unit kediaman tinggi.
Katanya, kebanyakan projek perumahan yang dilancarkan baru-baru ini melibatkan rumah mewah, sekali gus memberi isyarat tentang arah aliran pembinaan rumah tersebut telah sampai ke penghujung dan para pemaju cuba menguasai baki permintaan sebelum sentimen mendapatkan rumah mewah mulai pudar.
‘‘Seterusnya, kami menjangka para pemaju menumpukan kepada pembinaan rumah mampu milik untuk menampung permintaan yang tinggi terutama kepada pembeli kali pertama,” kata firma penyelidikan itu.
Peralihan itu semakin jelas apabila pemaju rumah mewah seperti SP Setia dan Mah Sing mengambil alih tanah yang luas di Lembah Klang bagi membangunkan kawasan perbandaran sedemikian yang menawarkan perumahan mampu dimiliki.
“Bagi pemaju yang masih fokus pada pasaran mewah, tawaran yang dibuat semakin mengecil,’’ ujarnya.
Sumber: Utusan Malaysia
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
How a Millionaire’s Brain Works
A man walked into a bank in New York City one day and asked for the loan officer.
He told the loan officer that he was going to Philippines on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. The bank officer told him that the bank would need some form of security for the loan.
Then the man handed over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produced the title and everything checked out The loan officer agreed to accept the car as collateral for the loan.The bank’s president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the guy for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan.
An employee of the bank then drove the Ferrari into the bank’s underground garage and parked it there.Two weeks later, the guy returned, repaid the $5,000 and the interest, which came to $15.41.
The loan officer said, “Sir, we are very happy to have had and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi millionaire. What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow “$5,000″.
The millionaire replied: “Where else in New York City can I park my car for $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return”
Well thats how the rich stay rich, they know a lot more about Money Management. All the millionaires I have met in my life were penny wise. Look after your cents and the Dollars will look after themselves.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Berhutang Untuk Kaya.. Ahah..
Kesemua, pembiayaan-pembiayaan di atas, sekiranya diterjemahkan ke dalam komitmen bulanan kita, maka ramai yang mengeluh berkenaan bebanan yang ditanggung. Silap-silap haribulan bagi yang tidak pandai menguruskan kewangan, mungkin ada yang muflis.
Sebenarnya, tanpa kita sedari, sebagai pengguna biasa, kita telah terbiasa berhutang apabila benar-benar memerlukan sesuatu yang kita tidak mampu, seperti kereta, rumah untuk diduduki, perbelanjaan harian.. Sekiranya ada duit lebih, bagi yang pandai berjimat, barulah disimpan atau dilaburkan.. Apabila dipraktikkan perkara ini, berhutang telah menjadi sesuatu komitmen ataupun bebanan kepada kita. Mesti ada di antara kita yang pernah mendengar ataupun pernah berkata,
"ai.. aku ni dapat gaji, just nk langsaikan hutang aku aje.." Secara tidak langsung, kita seboleh bolehnya mengelakkan hutang.. ada yang mengatakan kebebasan kewangan adalah hidup tanpa berhutang. adakah benar perkara ini.
Jikalau kita membuat pembacaan di dalam buku-buku pakar kewangan, konsep berhutang boleh di bahagikan kepada 2 atas, iaitu hutang yang baik, dan hutang yang tidak baik.
Hutang yang tidak baik adalah seperti hutang kad kredit, hutang kenderaan ataupun hutang peribadi. Di mana kegunaannya bukanlah bertujuan untuk menambah pendapatan, tetapi bertujuan untuk membiayai sesuatu keperluan peribadi. Di sini, apa yang berlaku adalah, kita terpaksa mengeluarkan duit poket sendiri untuk melangsaikannya.
Hutang yang baik, adalah seperti membuat pembiayan perumahan untuk pelaburan, dimana hutang kita dibayar oleh penyewa rumah. Mesti ramai yang pernah mendengar pembiayaan ASB, iaitu hutang bagi membiayai pembelian ASB. Begitu juga hutang bagi membiayai pendidikan kita, di mana hasilnya, dapat menambah pengalaman kita dan potensi kita untuk mendapat kenaikan gaji atau pangkat.
Para pelabur, seperti pelabur hartanah, menggunakan konsep berhutang dalam membuat pelaburan dengan pembiayaan secara tidak langsung dibiayai oleh penyewa. Bukankah cantik, kita membeli aset yang bernilai ratusan ribu ringgit dan dibayar pula oleh penyewa. Dalam pada yang sama, sekiranya terdapat aliran positif tunai, hasil perbezaan di antara pembayaran bank dan kadar sewa, dapat menambahkan duit kocek kita. Ahah..
Walaubagaimanapun, terpulang kepada kita untuk menguruskan perbelanjaan kita. Konsep berhutang untuk kaya melalui pelaburan atau perniagaan adalah baik, tetapi haruslah didahulukan dengan ilmu di dada. Bukan sembarono untuk melakukannya. Dan paling mustahak kita memerlukan model pengurusan hutang ataupun kewangan yang baik. Pada masa ini, terdapat banyak bahan bacaan ataupun seminar yang dianjurkan oleh mereka yang professional untuk melatih kita ataupun memberi khidmat nasihat kepada kita.
Akhir kata, jadilah penghutang yang bijak, dan bagi yang Muslim,
gunakanlah produk kewangan Islam yang banyak di pasaran..
jangan sampai tak bayar hutang,
nanti along.. along bukit beluntung.. potong jari..
Sekadar gurauan, jangan sesekali berhutang dengan along. (period)
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Moderate outlook for property sector in 2012
KUALA LUMPUR: The local property market will see moderate growth in
2012 due to the gloomy outlook of the global economy. Some areas and
certain property types may see some price correction, according to real
estate valuer and consultant James Wong, director of VPC (KL) Sdn Bhd.
“There is still no solution to the European debt crisis and because of that, export-driven countries like China, India, Brazil and Malaysia will be effected,” Wong said.
The correction in prices will be seen in the office sector and luxury condominium and serviced apartments in Kuala Lumpur city centre, while prices for landed homes, industrial and retail property are expected to remain stable, he said.
Wong was addressing a press conference by the Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in the Private Sector, Malaysia (PEPS) on its upcoming 5th Malaysian Property Summit 2012 yesterday.
Also present was Foo Gee Jen, organising chairman and managing
director of C H Williams Talhar & Wong Sdn Bhd, Datuk Mani
Usilappan, retired director-general of the Valuation and Property
Services Department and PEPS president Choy Yue Kwong.
Wong said there are several other factors that could drive property price growth flat, including the more cautious approach to lending being taken by financial institutions. Loanmargins may be reduced, which will definitely affect buying decisions. Besides, from Jan 1, the debt service ratio of a loan applicant will be calculated based on net income instead of gross income and as a result, fewer buyers will qualify for loans, said Wong.
Political uncertainties caused by the upcoming general election amid whispers of a possible hung parliament are also a cause for concern and impact general market sentiments, he said.
However, Wong said it is not likely that Malaysia will experience a property bubble.
“Malaysia’s property prices, despite being high, have increased gradually and because of this, a bubble will not occur as the government is still mindful of such situations and is taking measures to curb speculation,” Wong said. “So there won’t be a bubble bursting but a minor price correction next year.”
The property market this year is projected to hit 400,000 transactions worth RM120 billion.
According to Wong, new growth areas in the Klang Valley and Greater Klang Valley will be coming up along the LRT extension lines and the MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang line.
PEPS is organising the Malaysian Property Summit on Jan 17 at the Sime Darby Convention Centre. Speakers will include Foo, Datuk Abdullah Thalith Mohd Thani, director-general of the Valuation and Property Services Department, Ho Chin Soon, director of Ho Chin Soon Research Sdn Bhd, Danny SK Yeo, deputy managing director of C H Williams Talhar & Wong, Allan Soo, managing director of CB Richard Ellis (M) Sdn Bhd, Anthony Chua, executive director of KGV International Property Consultants (M) Sdn Bhd and Leslie Kho Joo Hee, executive director of Knight Frank Malaysia.
According to Choy, the summit is a much anticipated event due to its “no frills and all information” content.
Source: The Edge Malaysia
Pelajari Teknik Pelaburan Hartanah Tanpa Modal Yang Besar di Sini
“There is still no solution to the European debt crisis and because of that, export-driven countries like China, India, Brazil and Malaysia will be effected,” Wong said.
The correction in prices will be seen in the office sector and luxury condominium and serviced apartments in Kuala Lumpur city centre, while prices for landed homes, industrial and retail property are expected to remain stable, he said.
Wong was addressing a press conference by the Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in the Private Sector, Malaysia (PEPS) on its upcoming 5th Malaysian Property Summit 2012 yesterday.
Wong said there are several other factors that could drive property price growth flat, including the more cautious approach to lending being taken by financial institutions. Loanmargins may be reduced, which will definitely affect buying decisions. Besides, from Jan 1, the debt service ratio of a loan applicant will be calculated based on net income instead of gross income and as a result, fewer buyers will qualify for loans, said Wong.
Political uncertainties caused by the upcoming general election amid whispers of a possible hung parliament are also a cause for concern and impact general market sentiments, he said.
However, Wong said it is not likely that Malaysia will experience a property bubble.
“Malaysia’s property prices, despite being high, have increased gradually and because of this, a bubble will not occur as the government is still mindful of such situations and is taking measures to curb speculation,” Wong said. “So there won’t be a bubble bursting but a minor price correction next year.”
The property market this year is projected to hit 400,000 transactions worth RM120 billion.
According to Wong, new growth areas in the Klang Valley and Greater Klang Valley will be coming up along the LRT extension lines and the MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang line.
PEPS is organising the Malaysian Property Summit on Jan 17 at the Sime Darby Convention Centre. Speakers will include Foo, Datuk Abdullah Thalith Mohd Thani, director-general of the Valuation and Property Services Department, Ho Chin Soon, director of Ho Chin Soon Research Sdn Bhd, Danny SK Yeo, deputy managing director of C H Williams Talhar & Wong, Allan Soo, managing director of CB Richard Ellis (M) Sdn Bhd, Anthony Chua, executive director of KGV International Property Consultants (M) Sdn Bhd and Leslie Kho Joo Hee, executive director of Knight Frank Malaysia.
According to Choy, the summit is a much anticipated event due to its “no frills and all information” content.
Source: The Edge Malaysia
Pelajari Teknik Pelaburan Hartanah Tanpa Modal Yang Besar di Sini
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith
he not just a great actor, he's a great man himself.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
SP Setia targets RM4bil in property sales
The Star
9 November 2011
Developer posts 30% jump in FY11 net profit
SHAH ALAM: SP Setia Bhd posted a 30% year-on-year jump in net profit to RM327.97mil for its financial year ended Oct 31, 2011 (FY11). The property developer attributed this mainly to higher selling prices for new launches and the stabilisation in the prices of construction materials. Revenue also increased 27.9% to RM2.23bil.
The group also set a new full-year sales record in FY11 of RM3.29bil, a 42% increase from the previous record of RM2.31bil set in FY10.
It was the fourth consecutive year of increase in the group's sales and represented the second consecutive year that total group sales had exceeded the RM2bil mark, said SP Setia in a Bursa Malaysia filing.
(The sales figures are based on the retail pricing of properties sold, while revenue is recognised in the accounts when the developer is paid at the point of purchase and also when construction is completed in stages.)
SP Setia has proposed a final dividend of 9 sen per share. Together with the interim dividend of 5 sen per share, total dividend for the year works out to be 14 sen per share, representing a payout of about 59% of the group's net profit.
The group's profit and revenue were largely derived from property developments in the Klang Valley, Johor Baru and Penang.
Baca Seterusnya
p/s: when the developer is confident and performing well, is good for investors too.. :)
9 November 2011
Developer posts 30% jump in FY11 net profit
SHAH ALAM: SP Setia Bhd posted a 30% year-on-year jump in net profit to RM327.97mil for its financial year ended Oct 31, 2011 (FY11). The property developer attributed this mainly to higher selling prices for new launches and the stabilisation in the prices of construction materials. Revenue also increased 27.9% to RM2.23bil.
The group also set a new full-year sales record in FY11 of RM3.29bil, a 42% increase from the previous record of RM2.31bil set in FY10.
It was the fourth consecutive year of increase in the group's sales and represented the second consecutive year that total group sales had exceeded the RM2bil mark, said SP Setia in a Bursa Malaysia filing.
(The sales figures are based on the retail pricing of properties sold, while revenue is recognised in the accounts when the developer is paid at the point of purchase and also when construction is completed in stages.)
SP Setia has proposed a final dividend of 9 sen per share. Together with the interim dividend of 5 sen per share, total dividend for the year works out to be 14 sen per share, representing a payout of about 59% of the group's net profit.
The group's profit and revenue were largely derived from property developments in the Klang Valley, Johor Baru and Penang.
Baca Seterusnya
p/s: when the developer is confident and performing well, is good for investors too.. :)
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